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Great Northern Elementary
Part Time Elementary PE Teacher for 2023-24 School Year
Great Northern School District is accepting applications for an Elementary PE teacher.
Part-Time Position, teaching afternoons two days a week.
Great Northern School District serves students in grades K-6 and is located between Spokane and Airway Heights. Great Northern Elementary is proud to offer small class sizes and a long history of providing quality education to our students.
Application requirements: letter of application, district application, resume, three letters of reference, copy of teaching certificate, and unofficial transcript.
Please visit our website at www.gnsd.k12.wa.us for more information or call 1-509-747-7714. The position is open until filled. If you have questions, you may also email Great Northern School secretary Jodi Finley at
jfinley@gnsd.k12.wa.us or
Superintendent Brett Baum at bbaum@gnsd.k12.wa.us
Great Northern School District is an equal opportunity employer.